- Health

5 Main Risk Factors of Developing Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a severe eye disease that can lead to blindness if left untreated. The sooner you detect it, the better your chances of preventing vision loss. Thankfully, in San Antonio, TX, there are ways to reduce your risk for developing glaucoma, and symptoms include blurred or dimmed vision in one eye, along with seeing halos around lights at night. If you experience these symptoms or would like more information about preventing this condition from affecting your eyesight, contact an Optometrist today. A specialist in glaucoma in San Antonio can guide you on the following risk factors.

  • Thin Cornea Centers

This is when it happens throughout a normal cornea. Courtesy of US National Library of Medicine Glaucoma occurs when the optic nerve, which connects your eyes to your brain, is damaged due to high eye pressure. There are typically no symptoms in the early stages of glaucoma, but risk factors can put you at an increased chance of developing this condition.

  • Migraines 

A person may have glaucoma from birth because of inherited eye disease in rare cases. People who have migraines that last longer than twenty-four hours or experience visual disturbances related to their migraine headaches are at increased risk for developing glaucoma. In addition, researchers have discovered a link between chronic migraines and optic nerve damage.

  • A Past Eye Injury

This is when the injury occurs at the back of your eye and can cause a detached retina. Courtesy of US National Library of Medicine Some past eye injuries may increase your risk for glaucomas, such as severe or repeated eye trauma, severe eye infections, or even an eye surgery that has left you with a weakened optic nerve.

  • Family History

A common trait among families is the tendency to pass down conditions from generation to generation. Courtesy of US National Library of Medicine Most cases of glaucoma are not hereditary, but some forms are. 

For example, people with a family history of glaucoma in their parents or grandparents may have an increased risk for developing this condition. When one or both of your parents have glaucoma, you are six to eight times more likely to get this disease than someone who doesn’t have a family history.

  • High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, or Poor Circulation

Courtesy of US National Library of Medicine If you have another health condition, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, your risk for glaucoma increases. In addition to this, people who smoke and suffer from poor circulation are also at a higher risk of developing glaucoma than people without these conditions.

This means it’s crucial to control chronic conditions to reduce your risk of developing glaucoma. If you have high blood pressure, diabetes, or poor circulation, make sure you do everything you can to manage these conditions. This may include following your doctor’s instructions closely, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly.

The risk factors for developing glaucoma can vary depending on your age, family history, and whether or not you have any other chronic conditions. Suppose you’re concerned about the possibility of developing this condition in the future. In that case, it’s vital to be proactive by controlling your present health concerns such as high blood pressure and diabetes. For more information on how to reduce your risks for glaucoma symptoms that include blurred vision in one eye along with seeing halos around lights at night, contact an Optometrist today.

About Julie Shipe

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